Tuesday, July 29, 2003
I saw the new Tomb Raider movie this past weekend. While definitely not Oscar-worthy, it was still a rockin' good time to watch and much better than the first. Angelina Jolie was picture perfect as Lara Croft. It actually was fairly feminist in its portrayal of this sexy action hero. How ironic that a big-titted male fantasy video game character has been transformed into the latest incarnation of female empowerment. Of course, because of what I do I couldn't help but see her as a domme through and through -- she even has 2 men (read: slaves) who live and work for her (i.e. do her bidding). She is one hot mama too! I am a bit envious of little girls growing up right now because they have so many cool female role models. They will grow up with more confidence and sense of entitlement than any previous generation. Yet it isn't all fun and games. They are also being groomed to be as strong and responsible as men. And still be beautiful and moms. In the future, they may be equally expected to be the soldiers and decision-makers of the world. Which brings me to this interesting supposition. Many men who come to me say it's because they are so in charge in their daily lives that they need release through loss of control. As women gain more power in the world, might the same desire sprout up in them as well? And how will their need to lose control manifest itself? Male prodommes? Somehow, I think not. But you never know...