Speaking of costumes, I recently updated my profile on The Gates to let everyone know how much I enjoy roleplays and scenes which involve uniforms and other exciting dress-up themes. Though I know some dominas do not like wardrobe requests and will not follow a script, I think dramatic play can be engaging and fun. And I for one do not necessarily see it as compromising one's dominance. Tapping into a submissive's most powerful fantasies and fetishes is key. So if my assuming a particular role engenders the right feelings in my submissive, then my control is that much stronger.
Certainly, I have no problem improvising off a script so long as the storyline is interesting and harmonious with a femme domme dynamic. I find collaborating in this way can be invigorating and highly creative -- having a blast thinking up dialogue on the fly, illuminating aspects of myself not usually revealed in scene, all the while clad in form-fitting uniforms, suits and other sleek attire. Sounds like a lively good time to me!