Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Damn, I walked into Good Vibrations the other day to buy a new Malibu Terra-Firma and was told they no longer carry my favorite strap-on! Oh well, I guess I'll just have to look elsewhere. Not to badmouth the place. They did give out great little "care packages" at the dyke march during Pride weekend. Speaking of the march, I happened to be sitting in meditation all day when I got a call from another prominent local pro domme. She invited me to a gathering of sex workers at her dungeon that evening -- a pre-party of sorts for the big march. I arrived to find several other well-known and established players in the domme biz. It was great catching up with everyone, then heading outside to march in the sex workers contingent. We carried signs and chanted. Eventually I eased out into the crowd to watch all the lovely ladies. Serious pussy power. Yeah, I love that event :-)