Saturday, April 24, 2010

Checking in

Uh-oh it looks like I've fallen behind on my posting! I've been so busy with end-of-semester scrambling, as well as the addition of new responsibilities in my life. And after the initial high of my reemergence, a lingering question of whether or not I even want to blog. Does it even matter? Yes and no, of course. One thing thats been in my head lately is the idea that perhaps sometime soon, ergonomics will make a quantum leap and it won't hurt so much to sit down to type and click at the computer. At the this point, it is a fairly serious impediment to extending my writing efforts. One day perhaps we'll all be suited up and submerged in tanks of water so we can be completely relaxed while we interface virtually. That is the matrix, isn't it? Speaking of matrix, check out this fascinating article on the Matrix Theory. I am kind of pissed at New Scientist though. They have great articles on cutting edge science, yet their operational backend is still stuck in the dark ages. Trying to get my subscription renewed has been a pain in the ass - calling London, being told I need to get some statement from my bank. It was so ridiculous, I ended up resubscribing via Amazon because it was easier than going through their site! All right, enough pointless venting. Back to my studies. I'll try to write more soon...